some doctor Indonesia In The World

Senin, 12 Maret 2012

Many people feel ashamed and not proud to be a nation of Indonesia. Economic conditions and the behavior of elites and politicians often make negative act sometimes makes people insecure claims to be the people of Indonesia. We can not turn a blind eye to the reality of the matter. But we still have hope that there was a sense of pride when we look at the Indonesian scientists who show their prowess and acting outside the country.

Here are some Indonesian scientists who have provided evidence for their efforts in producing a stunning discovery:

Dr. Joe Hin Tjio Theory of Chromosome 23

Dr. Joe Hin Tjio, an expert from Indonesia Cytogenetics found that the human chromosome numbered 23 units. Through laboratory research in the Institute of Genetics of Sweden's University of Lund, the findings have shattered confidence geneticists that the number of chromosomes is 24 pieces. He managed to calculate the number of chromosomes to the right after perfecting the technique of separation of human chromosomes on a glass preparations developed Dr. T.C. Hsu at Texas University, USA.

Dr. Ing. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie

User and aircraft manufacturers alike do not know exactly the extent to which body aircraft still operate reliably. As a result the early 1960s, the accident aircraft often occur due to construction damage was detected. Tiredness (fatigue) on the body is still difficult to detect with the limited tools. There is no sensor to overcome the problem of fatigue-prone vulnerable ini.Titik is usually at the junction between the wing and the fuselage or the wings and engine cradle. At that moment appeared Dr. Ing. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie. Habibie, who then discover how the krack propagation point it worked. The calculations are quite detailed, until the count of atoms. By the aviation world, the theory is then called a krack Habibie progression. From here dubbed as Mr Habibie. krack. With this theory makes the plane safer. Not only can avoid the risk of plane crashes, but also makes maintenance easier and cheaper.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Sedijatmo

This technology was invented by Prof. Dr. Ir. Sedijatmo as an officer when he was asked to establish a 7 U.S. $ high-voltage electrical towers in the area of ​​swamp Ancol, Jakarta. He made the foundation was able to reduce up to 75% pressure on the soil surface beneath compared to regular foundation. Chicken scratch foundation is then used at Juanda Airport, Surabaya which allows the foundation to resist loads weighing 2,000 tons or super jumbo jet. In addition to Indonesia's proprietary technology is also used in 9 other countries, like Germany, Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, Canada, USA, The Netherlands.

Cassava Fire

During a test using a liquid lubricant leather cassava at Queen Mary College, London University, England, Randall Hartolaksono find the technology to put out the fire in an effective and environmentally friendly. At the time, homemade liquid accidentally spilled and put out the fire that was burning. After further investigation, it is known that if the liquid is exposed to heat will release vapor that can attack the fire. Now the findings are used in various mining companies around the world as a solution to cope with fires

Prof. Dr. Rahmiana Zein  Fastest Chromatography

Under the guidance of Professor at the University Gipu Toyohide Takeuchi, Japan, in 1998, Prof. Dr. Rahmiana Zein, who was doing research for a doctoral dissertation in chemistry find the world's fastest chromatographic techniques. If before this research takes between 1,000 and 100 minutes to dissect the chemical compound, a technique used Rahmiana Zein able to diagnose the chemical compounds in less than 10 minutes.

Drying techniques Sperm

Drying technique - known as evaporative drying - as well as sperm storage in the indoor room temperature is found by Mulyoto Pangestu, an Indonesian student who was taking his Ph.D. at Monash University, Australia. Interestingly, Mulyoto managed to do it using equipment that can be found easily and cheaply. His invention was patented in Australia and become the property of Monash University. However, Mulyoto still listed as inventors.

Prof. Dr. Mezak Ratag Arnold, founder of Planetary Nebula Cluster.

Bandung is a graduate of astronomers has immortalized his name in 120 Planetary Nebula Cluster, including Ratag-Ziljstra-Pottasch-Menzies and Pottasch Ratag-cluster, which he had found. The International Astronomical Union so appreciate his work on Planetary Nebula which is a major step forward in science. He also received the highest award for pioneering work in climate models.

Prof. Mezak also worked as Director of the Bureau of Indonesian Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics. He was also a researcher in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Bureau.

In 1988 the Kingdom of the Netherlands at the University of Groningen, Rijksuniversiteit te Groningen Mezak allow for doctoral exams (master). In the June 1991 Mezak Ratag obtained his doctorate (honoris summos) with a dissertation entitled "A Study of Galactic Bulge Planetary Nebulae".

Mezak has published over 100 scientific papers nationally and internationally. Hundreds of Planetary Nebulae (PN) has been found. The findings of PN was issued by the Observatory of Strasbourg. More than 100 international citations of scientific works can be found in various journals, books and international proceedings.

Josaphat T.S Sumantyo, Inventor of Radar 3 Dimensions

With totality and dedication in the field of antennas, sensors, and radar, making Josh won numerous awards from Chiba University, among others, of Nanohana Venture Competition Award, Nanohana Competition Award to Chiba University President Award.

Josh has also been awarded the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE) Remote Sensing Division Award. Members of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE) itself is of large institutions such as the JAXA (Japanese space agency), NICT (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Japan), NIES (National Institute for Environmental Studies), ISAS (Institute of Space Science and Astronotikal), universities and large corporations Japanese space equipment from Mitsubishi, Toshiba, and NEC.

Hundreds of patents owned by Josh spread over 118 countries around the world. Josh's work in the future be applied in telecommunication, transportation, remote sensing, medical and military. 1200 Josh artificial weather radar unit will be used by the Japanese company Weathernews Corporation to transmit 3-D weather forecast information. This information will also be used for navigating airplanes, ships (mass transportation) with more accuracy. Josh also make anti-piracy radar for vessels of large-scale Japanese, as well as radars for cars that pass through the snow.

Josh's research is extremely beneficial to the needs of Indonesia, among others in the field of plate movement monitoring and disaster monitoring and disaster management based on remote sensing. This research can be used to monitor the movement of the earth's surface with millimeter accuracy, monitor the shift of the earth's surface before the landslide occurred, or the movement of the fault or faults.

But unfortunately, not Indonesia which utilizes Josh's research, it was the neighbor country is enjoying the results of this study. This research went on to become one of Japan's government technology assistance to the government of Malaysia to map areas prone to landslides in Malaysia Semanjung the project will be implemented during the years 2011-2016, through its Official Development Assistance (ODA).

Dr. Johny Setiawan, New Planet Finder HIP 13044b

Dr. Johny Setiawan is a doctoral graduate of the Albert-Ludwigs youngest University, Greiburg, Germany. He is the only non-German scientists who became Chairman of the Project Team Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany since 2003.

Profession as an astronomer demanded often conduct observations from an altitude of 2400 M in the middle of a remote desert temperature extremes, La Silla Observatory in Chile, which is one of the world's largest observatory in the southern hemisphere.

The findings are stunning received appreciation from local scientists. Especially when he managed to find a new planet outside solar system (exoplanets) recently. Even more amazed cause against him is because he has a lot of planets, from the planet named HD 47 536 b, HD 11 977 b, c HD 47 536, HD 70 573 b, HD 110 014 b, to the TW Hydrae b. He also published that the planet is not only coming from outside the solar system, but are thought to originate from outside the Milky Way. The planet was named HIP 13044 b. Planet 2000 light years away from earth, still alive and it is estimated that the fossil remains of other galaxies that have become extinct, ie, fossil galaxies Helmi Stream, which is sucked into the Milky Way between 6-9 billion years ago, and next the southern constellation Fornax.

Dr. Johnny and his team found the planet using a high resolution FEROS spektografi, the telescope MPG / ESO 2.2 m in diameter at the observatory La Silla Chile. By observing the radial movement of the star HIP 13044, HIP 13044 b is estimated planet around its parent star with an orbital period of 16.2 days.

Name Dr. Johnny is so well known abroad for international astronomy. Start from the Time, New York Times, BBC, National Geographic, or Johny invention has also been published in Science, Nature, and Astronomy and Astrophysics.

Dr. Warsito, Inventor scanner tool (ECVT) 4 Dimensions

Dr. Warsito is an inventor who developed the scanner technology or Electrical Capacitance Volume Tomography (ECVT) 4 The first dimension in the world. Muslim scholars from Indonesia is also the owner of the patent ECVT patent documents filed in the United States. The technology is now used by the U.S. space agency or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). ECVT is the only technology capable of scanning from the outer wall to wall like the space shuttle.

ECVT technology is found at the end of the study Warsito when a S1 student in the Faculty of Engineering Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Shizuoka, Japan, 1991. When it Warsito want to create technology that can see through walls or reactor made of steel or an opaque object (opaque).

Warsito school during the birth of Solo, May 16, 1967 was a brilliant student. He moved to Yogyakarta after being accepted as a student of Chemical Engineering of UGM. But because he failed to hit the cost of continuing his studies. Then he migrated to Jakarta and got a scholarship at the University of Shizuoka, Japan, 1987. In 1997 he earned the highest academic degree (S3). In 1999 Warsito emigrated to the United States. With its research tomography, Warsito become one of the world's top 15 researchers at the Industrial Research Consortium, Ohio State University. Research is the reference number of the world's giant oil companies like ExxonMobil, Conoco Phillips, and Shell.

Warsito believed to be the main speaker in a forum of scientists of the world. Unforgettable moment for him was when he presented the plenary sessions (plenary lecture) at International Conference on Reactor Engineering in Delft, Holland in 1999. Plenary session was a major conference attended by experts and professors from around the world. He feels that there is no greater reward than that in his life.

Year 2003 - 2006 he Wara Wiri American - Indonesia. Then he decided to return to Indonesia. He developed the technology at the Center for ECVT Tomography Research Laboratory (CTECH Labs) is a laboratory in space measuring 5 x 8 meters on a two-storey shophouse in Tangerang. Warsito ideals to build a research institution that is not inferior to any research institution in the world, and it is in Indonesia.

Dr. Eng. Eniya Listiani Goddess, Inventor Membrane Fuel Cells

Dr. Eng. Eniya Listiani Goddess, a research associate at the Center for Materials Technology, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT). Doctor of Engineering graduate of Waseda University in Tokyo Japan is choosing the field of Applied Chemistry, and deepen the study of polymers and catalysts for fuel cells. In 2003 he was awarded the Mizuno Award, and Koukenkai Award from the university thanks to the findings of a new fuel cell catalyst that uses the element Vanadium.

Fuel cell is an electrochemical cell or battery kind of battery, which can convert a fuel source (can be either hydrogen or hydrocarbons) into electricity direct current (DC). Fuel cells can be used to supply electrical household appliances, automobiles, motorcycles, and others. The findings of Dr. Dewi Eniya the leading edge is a product of polymer membranes for fuel cells more efficient than commercially available membranes. Membrane product that he called ThamriON. Products that have better efficiency, because it can reduce leakage by 50%. In terms of price, ThamriON much more competitive. When the output of DuPont Nafion membranes sold for about U.S. $ .1,000 or about Rp.9 million per square meter, it only costs ThamriOn Rp.2000 per square meter. ThamriON name itself is a combination of the words 'Thamrin' and 'Ion', was chosen to perpetuate the office address of the Goddess, BPPT Building located at Jl. MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta.

In 2009 the method of addition of the nanoparticles was awarded Asia's Excellence Award from The Society of Polymer Science Japan (SPSJ). The following year, ThamriON patented and was awarded 2010 Innovation Award from the IPR Directorate General of IPR.

Prof. Dr. Khoirul Anwar, Inventor-based telecommunications system 4G OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing).

Prof. Dr. Anwar Khoirul owner of the patent in Japan-based telecommunications system 4G OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) who now works at the Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan. He reduces the transmission power in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing. The result, the speed of data sent rather than declining as usual, but actually increased. Research results are able to reduce power to 5dB = 100 thousand times smaller than previously required.

In 2006 he also found a way to reduce the transmission power in multicarrier systems such as orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) and Multi-carrier code division multiple access (MC-CDMA), namely by introducing the spreading code using the Fast Fourier Transform so the complexity becomes so low that can reduce power fluctuations. This technique is then used by the Japanese satellite company.

Currently, Prof. Khoirul lives with his wife and three sons at the Nomi, Ishikawa. The three children meet with a different arithmetic series formula 1.5 years. Success in this country do not make people forget the homeland. One day he would return to Indonesia after winning a lot of study abroad.

Dr. Yogi Ahmad Erlangga, inventor of a mathematical formula based on the equation Herlmholtz to search for petroleum resources.

Yogi Ahmad Indonesia grants a young scientist earned his doctorate from the University of Technology Delft, The Netherlands at a fairly young age, 31 years. He loved math. In the land of windmills, he was crowned as applied mathematics doctorate. And mathematics that is what catapulted Yogi grants to the world's giant oil companies. Developed a mathematical formula to make thousands of petroleum engineers can work fast. High accuracy.

Yogi managed to solve a mathematical formula based on the "Helmholtz equation". Yogi success is an important milestone for science and technology development. Findings can be applied in a number of areas. One was to accelerate the search for petroleum resources. He was able to solve the Helmholtz equation is complicated, after in depth for 4 years.

With research which spent nearly USD. 6 billion, he successfully developed a faster method of calculation. Yogi is the study of pure mathematics. He successfully developed a method of calculation, which allows computer systems to solve equations more quickly is crucial. In fact, it is difficult to overcome the crucial equation by a computer system used by oil companies. Yogi's research is based on the "equation Helhmholtz".

According to Yogi, Shell has been to use the Helmholtz formula over and over again. In fact, sometimes thousands of times for surveys should be only in one region. It was very expensive in terms of cost, time and hardware. Yogi had a mathematical equation in differential form. Yogi made to solve the Helmholtz formula that is changing this equation into ordinary algebraic linear equations. Once obtained, it solved by direct methods or literacy.

Yogi finding a mathematical formula that is also used for chip Blue-Ray technology. It may contain pieces of computer data in much larger quantities. The formula is also easier to work on aviation radar.

Ir. R. Mulyoto Pangestu, inventor Technical Economical Animal Sperm Freezing.

Ir. R. Mulyoto Pangestu, Dip. Agr. Sc, Lecturer in Reproductive Physiology and Artificial Insemination of Livestock UNSOED Faculty Navan managed to find a method of drying and storage of sperm is very useful for scientists and clinicians in developing countries is lack of funds to conduct cooling equipment. Cold storage equipment for storing organic materials usually require liquid nitrogen as a coolant (coolant). In addition to the tanks are expensive and eating places, liquid nitrogen is very dangerous. To remain liquid nitrogen species should be kept below minus 196 degrees Celsius temperature.

Mulyoto findings is precisely the way to dry and store the sperm in the temperature of the room because he had the services of nitrogen gas. Remarkable finding of this Mulyoto beat hundreds of competitors from different countries in Asia Pacific. He uses very cheap materials only around Rp 2,500, -. Materials used are 2 layers of plastic tube mini (size 0.250 ml and 0.500 ml) is sealed with heat (heat-sealed), then wrapped again with aluminum foil. The dried sperm in storage at room temperature, can survive for years in top condition. Sperm can be used to fertiliasi (artificial insemination) next.

Above findings were Mulyoto won the highest award (Gold Award) in Young inventors Awards competition, held a copy of The Far Eastern Economic Review (FEER) and Hewlett-Packard Asia Pacific.

Mulyoto not try the method for human sperm because of its ethics permit is for the animals. Dried sperm from mice (mice), marmosets (a type of monkey), and the wombat (an animal native to Australia). According Mulyoto, which is used for fertilization is the sperm of mice and marmosets are able to form embryos. Even child-bearing mice has been successfully mice.

Mulyoto these findings is currently in the process patented in Australia. Mulyoto findings of this patent will be owned by Monash University, but his name will be listed as the Inventor.

The exploits of scientists in the land of Indonesia is really very amazing to get so many awards. Supposed to be great people as they get the appreciation in their own country due to their intelligence is the name Indonesia became fragrant and taken into account in the international world.

Indonesia is still a lot of scientists are currently studying and career in various countries in the world. They tend to prefer to live with their current profession as a scientist. Various reasons for not returning to their homeland, one of which is the role and expertise of scientists greatly appreciated there. Besides the lack of awareness of the company in Indonesia to collaborate with universities or research institutions to support their research. Remarkably in other states also provide funding of research, access to important books and journals, as well as research facilities that are conducive to research and technological innovation. Hopefully Indonesia can learn to appreciate the role of a scientist as well as other countries respect the intelligence of scientists even though they are not citizens.

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